Thursday, August 30, 2012

Currently Coveting :: Snakeskin

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I'm having a bit of a moment with everything snakeskin right now. I just bought this python shirt + have a pair of ballet flats that have been in high rotation lately.

Here are a few of my favourite picks:

Is snakeskin on your radar this season too?

Don't forget to enter the Shopbop giveaway to win a $100 gift card!

Rachel xo


  1. Those snakeskin pants look great with the bold blue shoes! xx

  2. Definitely on my radar too - especially those gorgeous Tory Burch flats!

  3. oh goodness, those tory burch flats are amazing!! i loved them anyway but they are even cuter in snakeskin! :) xx

  4. 110% on my list right now. Loving it all especially paired with leather.

  5. L O V E snakeskin. You always get it right Rachel! xx

  6. It's not on my to buy list but I must admit that I like the two tees in the top collage and I wouldn't say no to the Chloé bag if someone offered to me ;-)

  7. I love that blouse on Miranda Kerr... of course, because she's... her. ;)

  8. Only in accessories. I have a pair of flat sandals in python skin and they are my favourites, elegant with a twist.
