Hello lovelies! How was your weekend? Mine was incredibly busy, but in a good way. One of our family friends has trusted me with decorating their brand new apartment, which is terribly exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time! Much of the weekend was spent taking the brief and researching for the project.
But today, I'm very excited to introduce you to Leigha, who is sharing her 5 Lovely Things. Leigha writes the blog elle oh (how cool is that name?), which is always filled with a whole lot of inspirational goodness. The way she crafts her posts is so lovely, it's almost poetic. If you haven't visited her blog, I insist you take a peek! ***
Hello lovelies. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Leigha from elle oh {my humble little design blog full of self indulgent glamour and inspiration}. Without further adieu, here are five lovely things I cannot live without.
{One} Lip Gloss - I love the sweet sheen of gloss on my lips. I have a bucket {a generous bucket} brimming with gloss and balm of every sheen, color, and flavor. I feel naked without an unassuming layer of shine coating my pucker.
{two} Ambiguity - I love the palpable allure of ambiguity. I thrive on the idea of a boundless future full of unknown potential and gentle mystery. I am in love with the notion of living on a whim and the idea of traveling, living, working, laughing, and loving around the world with nothing set in stone - except of course my charming husband.
{three} A Beautiful Mess - It’s true. I need a mess to feel complete. I compulsively organize my life into tidy little compartments of precision - but having just one mess seems to offer a delicious balance. Mary Randolph Carter once wrote, “A perfectly kept house is the sign of a misspent life.” I agree.
{four} Micron 05 - I admit, I am a high maintenance scribbler. When my fingers are wrapped around the delicate tip of my favorite pen, everything just feels right. Creativity is endless. I can sketch with freedom. I can string words together with ease; there’s nothing I savor more than creating a composition of alliteration and adjectives.
{five} Coffee - I prefer my coffee strong, embellished with a generous dribble of cream. I relish coffee so extensively - my love knows no bounds. I’ll take a latte, espresso, Americano, or any form of my precious beans.
Rachel, my dear, thank you for sharing your place of loveliness with me.
Thank you Leigha!
I Hope your week is off to a brilliant start lovelies!